installation of FOP2 on TrixBox 2.6


I am trying to install FOP2 on my TrixBox 2.6 version.

when i execute the command:
/usr/local/fop2/fop2-server --test ....i get the below message
Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode
Connection to manager OK !

am able to open web page using the login IP: <ip:address/fop2>..
It prompts with a window for user name & password.
After typing in;
user name: admin
passwd: amp111

nothing happens subsequent to this.
it continously displays.
One moment please

Connecting to server, attempt number:1 "

can you kindly assist me in resolving this issue.

Best Regards,

Santosh Sawal
SmartLink Network Systems,


  • Hello,

    Be sure to change FOP1 port to something else than 4445 by editing /var/www/html/panel/op_server.cfg, then restart fop2 and verify that fop2 is working:

    pgrep fop2_server

    and verify that fop2 is using port 4445

    netstat -lnp | grep 444

    (it should display port 4445 being used by fop2_serve)

    Once you verify that, try to login again.

    Best regards,
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