Translation Source
We are rolling out the new FOP2 release, there are a ton of new features, and as such a lot of more translation work to be done. We have contributions from users around the globe for getting the included translation files, but I personally would like to centralize the work here in the forums and let the community help us with the translation.
I will post the english translation file below, all translations for the main fop2 application will be centralized in the lang_xx.js file (we will not use any more the language file in the server side).
We have translated the missing entries for several languages, but mostly using google translate :roll:
Any help will be greatly appreciated and credited in fop2 lang files! I know that some strings will need to be in context to know the correct translation, but hopefully you will be able to find that out:
I will post the english translation file below, all translations for the main fop2 application will be centralized in the lang_xx.js file (we will not use any more the language file in the server side).
We have translated the missing entries for several languages, but mostly using google translate :roll:
Any help will be greatly appreciated and credited in fop2 lang files! I know that some strings will need to be in context to know the correct translation, but hopefully you will be able to find that out:
var lang = new Object();
lang['incoming_call'] = 'Incoming call';
lang['connecting_server'] = 'Connecting to server, attempt number ';
lang['from_queue'] = "From queue:";
lang['number'] = "Number:";
lang['name'] = "Name:";
lang['dial'] = 'Dial';
lang['transfer_vmail'] = 'Transfer to Mailbox';
lang['attendant_transfer'] = 'Transfer';
lang['spy'] = 'Listen';
lang['whisper'] = 'Listen and Whisper';
lang['pickup'] = "Call pickup";
lang['hangup'] = 'Hangup';
lang['filter'] = 'Filter';
lang['enter_sec_code'] = 'Login details';
lang['exten'] = 'Extension:';
lang['password'] = 'Password:';
lang['confirm_hangup'] = 'Confirm Hangup';
lang['areyousure'] = 'Are you sure?';
lang['yes'] = 'Yes';
lang['no'] = 'No';
lang['paused'] = 'Paused';
lang['set_information'] = 'Set Information';
lang['member_of'] = 'Member of ';
lang['not_available'] = 'System is not available right now';
lang['not_connect'] = 'Could not connect to server';
lang['one_moment'] = 'One moment please';
lang['no_results'] = 'No results were found';
lang['toggle_lock'] = 'Lock/Unlock Conference';
lang['toggle_muteall'] = 'Mute/Unmute all users';
lang['available'] = 'Available';
lang['phonebook'] = 'Phonebook';
lang['toggle_mute'] = 'Toggle mute';
lang['kick'] = 'Kick user';
lang['record'] = 'Record call';
lang['presence_noti'] = 'Presence Notification';
lang['queues'] = 'Queues';
lang['extensions'] = 'Extensions';
lang['trunks'] = 'Trunks';
lang['conferences'] = 'Conferences';
lang['other'] = 'Other';
lang['enter_state'] = 'Enter Value';
lang['parkingslots'] = 'Park Slots';
lang['enter_reg_code'] = 'Enter Registration Code:';
lang['reg_code'] = 'Registration Code:';
lang['reg_name'] = 'Registration Name:';
lang['remove_member'] = 'Remove Member';
lang['remove_member_from'] = 'Remove from ';
lang['pause_member'] = 'Pause Member';
lang['unpause_member'] = 'Unpause Member';
lang['add_member'] = 'Add to ';
lang['pickup_call'] = 'Pickup Call';
lang['email_user'] = 'Send email';
lang['chat'] = 'Chat';
lang['notlogged'] = 'User not logged in. Saving note.';
lang['me'] = 'Me';
lang['clearchat'] = 'Clear Chat Window';
lang['note'] = 'Note';
lang['toggle_sound'] = 'Toggle Sound';
lang['says'] = 'says';
lang['agents'] = 'Agents:';
lang['calls'] = 'Waiting Calls:';
lang['call_connected'] = 'Talking to';
lang['changeDisplayType'] = 'Change display type';
lang['voicemail'] = 'Voicemail';
lang['vmail_new'] = 'New';
lang['vmail_old'] = 'Old';
lang['vmail_work'] = 'Work';
lang['vmail_family'] = 'Family';
lang['vmail_friends'] = 'Friends';
lang['vmail_number'] = 'No.';
lang['vmail_date'] = 'Date';
lang['vmail_callerid'] = 'CallerID';
lang['vmail_duration'] = 'Duration';
lang['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
lang['summary'] = 'Summary';
lang['detailed'] = 'Detailed';
lang['inactive_line'] = 'Line %d inactive';
lang['inuse'] = '%d lines in use';
lang['vmail_count'] = 'New %d, Old %d';
lang['logout'] = 'Logout'
lang['prefSounds'] = 'Sounds';
lang['prefDisplay'] = 'Display';
lang['labelSoundChat'] = 'Chat Sounds';
lang['labelSoundQueue'] = 'Queue Sounds';
lang['labelSoundRing'] = 'Ring Sounds';
lang['labelDisplayQueue'] = 'Default Queue View:';
lang['labelDisplayDynamicLine'] = 'Dynamic Line Display:';
lang['labelDisplayNotifyDuration'] = 'Notify Duration:';
// Internationalization strings DATE
dateFormat.i18n = {
dayNames: [
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat",
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
monthNames: [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec",
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
Portuguese translation:PT-pt
(hoping to get some extra attention with my feature requests :P)
Best regards,
How can i use this translation?
I put file lang_ca.js into /js of fop2 wwwroot. I added to presence.js, and i can select Catalan in language preferences but it doesn't apply to the web interface. What i'm doing wrong?
That should be enough. What fop2 version are you using? What did you add to presence.js exactly? Remeber that you can change the language globally by setting it also on presence.js. Version 2.27 already includes the language file and needed modifications. View Post 1648&p=6218&
Like this:
Now i upgraded to version 2.27 and i don't find Catalan language definition on it.
If i modify presence.js file, putting Catalan in global settings, and when i add new availLang definition for Catalan language, then, all the tags at fop2 website are undefined.
If you see undefined everywhere, then the lang_ca.js is not in place or has an error, perhaps it is not saved as utf8. Download fop 2.27 for 64 bits, lang_ca.js is included in that version. Just copy the lang files from that version, do not install the server.
Some words are ok i english like, chat, display and mute
Toggle i don't know any danish word for :-(