Wider dial suggessions

The dial filed is great. When typing the name, a list of matching phone entries are displayed.
Unfortunately, names together with company are sometimes quite long and the number cannot be seen. It is especially bad when a contact has more numbers and I cannot see which one I should select.
I would like the possibility to widen this box.
Technical proposal:
The SELECT tag had the "autosuggest" style class. This class can be adjusted in the operator.css. The problem is that the flash(?) writes this SELECT tag and it puts a fixed width style element in the tag options. This 264px overrides any width settings in the class definition in operator.css.
Could you remove the width setting from the flash and place a default width in the style sheet which may be adjusted by us?
Is there an immediate solution, like can I overwrite this 264px somewhere?


  • Look at AutoComplete.js, in line 194 or so, you can increase the width there.. Perhaps what I can change is the order, to display first the number, and then the name / company.
  • Has this setting moved in 2.26?
  • You can set the width in /var/www/html/fop2/js/presence.js

    var dialsuggestWidth = 200;
  • thanks, that works
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