
On FOP 1 there is the Position= entry in the config, so I could customize per department sections on the flash panel. I don't really see a way to do this on FOP2.

Other than that, this looks great!

Also, is the demo just restricted to 15 buttons total, so if it grabbed more than 15 extensions, it won't show any queues?



  • There is no need for positions in fop2. If you have 500 buttons you will scroll down. The order is the appearance on the button config file.

    The demo is restricted to 15 buttons, you will be able to see the first 15 buttons defined in your button config file. As I said, the order is the one of appearance, if you have the queue button defined at the very top, it will work.

    Best regards,
  • Well, there sort of is a need to somehow separate the sections in a multi-user/multi-tenant setup (similar to departments). It would be nice to group all of the tenant A extensions together. Now, I know that I can simply just keep them in order in the button.cfg file, but the ability to put in subheadings like Extensions - Tenant 1, then Extensions - Tenant 2, etc... would be nice.

    Otherwise the product is great.
  • Hi hbondy,

    Ok.. I have just added that feature on the devel branch. Specify "group=something" to the button definition and it will create a "something" section in the display just below the regular extension list. I will try now to continue working on trunk details (I will leave actions on trunk lines for a future release as it will take quite some time to do). And finally I will also try to tackle parking, but I believe it will have to wait a little longer as it is not that simple..

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