More fields in the phonebook?

Is it possible to have more fields (ideally even user-configurable ones) in the phonebook?

For example, an address (street, city, ZIP) or some "free form" notes (as little as 1KB of notes should be enough)


  • Just add more fields to the visual_phonebook table in mysql.
  • I'll try soon. Thanks!
  • I anwer to this very old post because I am having issues with editing records with more fields in them. While I can create records with extra fields (after having added them to the database table) and I can view them, too, and I see the extra fields, I cannot edit them. When I click on the edit icon I can see (and edit) only default fields. I am running FOP2 2.26.
  • Edit phonebook.php and add your new fields on the line:


    Best regards,
  • It works!

    Thank you very much.
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