Phantom Queue Members

Very often FOP2 will show a queue member logged in, when in fact they are not logged in. I can't get that member to not appear in the queue. The only way I've found to rectify the problem is to restart asterisk. I usually have to do this three times a week.


  • FOP2 shows asterisk status. Do a "queue show" in your asterisk CLI, if you see queue members there, phantom or not, there are *in* Asterisk and you should look at asterisk to determine why/how they got there. FOP2 just display them. If they were added in a dynamic way they can be removed either from the asterisk CLI or from FOP2 too.

    If you are using FreePBX, there is a feature code to add agents to a queue, and if you type the wrong numbers, you can add inexsitant members quite easily. If you Dial QUEUENUMBER*SOMERANDOMNUMBER you might end up with a SANDRANDOMNUMBER agent logged into QUEUENUMBER. That is a FreePBX thingy and user error.

    Best regards,
  • I do a queue show, and it says the queues are empty. These are members of the queues that were logged in, but then logged out. FOP2 still see's them, even though the queue is empty according to asterisk.
  • then reload fop2:

    service fop2 reload

    and see what happens.
  • We run the FOP on a few servers for our telemarketing and call center customers. The only solution we could find to eliminate the problem is adding this to cron:

    0,30 * * * * /sbin/service fop2 restart

    If the Flash Operator Panel is loaded on a client then it will automatically reconnect after about 15 seconds.
  • Did you try a reload? What type of queue members are you using? Local or SIP? How are they named? do you have mixed case or symbols in the names?
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