Elastix 2.0 Operator Panel

I am trying to get FOP2 working on elastix 2.0.3 but I can't seem to turn off Elastix Operator Panel. I have disabled FOP1 but FOP2 still will not connect.


  • Hello,

    Elastix operator panel is not related and it will not prevent fop2 from working. You must disable or change the listenting port for FOP(1) that is included in FreePBX.

    If you already disabled FOP1 and you cannot connect, be sure that fop2 server is indeed running, that is binding to port 4445, and that port 4445 is forarded/open if you are not connecting from the same lan.

    I wrote this a *lot* of times, I will not be very detailed in this post, you can read the FAQ and check the forums for more detailed information.. command to run:
    pgrep fop2
    netstat -lnp | grep 4445

    Best regards,
  • Thank you!

    It was a firewall issue for an outside the office user.
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