change time zone in Voicemail

Is there anyway to change the time zone that the Voicemail pop/down uses? right now it is using UTC. I would like to see it in CST.


  • Look at /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf for time zone settings.
  • I went into the voicemail.conf file and added both tz and Timezone entreis, restarted fop2 and asterisk, and still my voice mails display in fop2 with UTC times.

    Here is what I added:


    Am I missing something?
  • an additional note. My Standard voicemail interface (http://voicemailip/recordings) does show the right timezone on all voicemails, only the voicemail interface inside of fop2 is using UTC.
  • fop2 uses the origdate field stored in the msg000X.txt files in the user mailbox (/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/XXXX/INBOX). That file is generated by asterisk. Check it manually and compare to the date that you see in fop2. Is it the same or different?
  • You are right. Asterisk IS storing the voicemail using UTC timezone. I will move my question to the asterisk usergroups and maybe someone can help me fix this there. Thanks for your help.
  • I have the exact same problem,

    Yes asterisk write with the UTC timezone, but i think most external/internal apps convert it with your actual timezone (dynamic).

    Even with voicemail.conf modification for the timezone settings, asterisk still write it in UTC timezone.

    Is there a way to get a fix from FOP2? Because i don't think asterisk will move on this on.

  • Ok, I will see what can I do on the client side to convert the dates then. Do you think that I should be using the desktop machine timezone settings? Or try to use the server time zone setting?
  • I would suggest desktop machine timezone.

    If i travel, the timezone will show the local time, wich is good.
  • Thanks! I have already implemented it in "trunk" . The feature will be available in the next release, due out shortly, just ironing out some last bugs.
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