Client not connecting?

I've just installed FOP2 on Ubuntu with Asterisk
The connection test to the server is OK
On the Asterisk console the server is shown as connected - user = admin
On the client side the buttons appear as configured in buttons.cfg and the voicemail icon is displayed if there's voicemail for the extension concerned with the hover indicating correct values for new and saved voicemails.

However the line state doesn't change when I make or receive a call and none of the action icons seem to do anything.
The directory icon works OK.

What have I forgotten?

nmap shows port 4445 to be open.

On an earlier version of Asterisk I used FOP and thought it worked rather well, I'd just like to get this new version working.

Best regards,
Pete (from france)


  • Hi,

    Strange.. Please try restarting fop2_server , and then reloading the fop2 client to see if it makes any difference.
  • Configuration problem!
    I wasn't using the right identities for the extensions.
    Now most things work including DAHDI, IAX etc but I still have 4 problems:

    I have 2 extensions which are greyed out. They seem to be configured in the same way as others which are working.

    The conference section doesn't show which extensions are connected to the conference:

    The action icons don't seem to do anything, despite my selecting an extension first and getting it with a red box. The only 2 that work are hang up and recording.

    Clicking on the presence icon of the extension button doesn't show anything. On the Conference one it does show options.

    We're getting there!

    I'm now also trying to "manage" 2 Asterisk systems.
  • Now conference section works.
    I wasn't using the right id for Conference/xxx where xxx is room number (in meetme.conf) not extension number
  • For the action buttons, the quick fix is to add "all" permission in both read/write lines in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf (reload asterisk after the change).

    The grayed out extensions are probably sip extensions that are not registered.
  • Yes the greyed out extensions are effectively not registered. However if FOP2 just can't connect to the AMI,the extensions are green, perhaps a different colour would be better?

    I still can't get the action icons to do anything. The transfer to Mailbox and Transfer to Mobile icons are now greyed out. Perhaps I just haven't understood how you are supposed to dial from here or maybe there's another config parameter to change.

    I understood that you select the extension button you want to work on, you enter the extension to dial in the dial box and you hit the dial icon. That doesn't work for me. Hang-up works.

    I have an additional problem: the panel doesn't autorefresh on 1 session but does on another. I'm using Firefox 4.0. ON IE8 it refreshes correctly but there's an un refreshed white box in the top left corner which masks most of the first button and the first 5 action icons. On the other machine with IE9 no problem with the white box but the dial and trnsfer icons still don't work.
  • OK now I can use dial and transfer but the identity which shows on the origin phone is not the destination but the origin. This doesn't seem correct.

    So my new understanding of the way this works:
    You have logged on as a specific extension
    If you select another extension or a conference and click on the dial icon first your extension is called and if you accept the call the other extension is called however the identity on both calls is the extension you logged on as.
  • When you originate and YOUR phone rings, the identification should be YOURSELF, as you are originating the call. So what you see is correct. The other party will see also your callerid as origination.

    When you originate a call, you do not want a popup/notification of incoming call, as it is NOT an incoming call. If you receive a call from yourself, then notifications/popups are not shown.
  • Yes the greyed out extensions are effectively not registered. However if FOP2 just can't connect to the AMI,the extensions are green, perhaps a different colour would be better?

    I do not think so. If you have badly configured fop2 or manager credentials, is your job to fix it, not fop2. Current states for registered extensions are registered or not registered. I will not make up new states, it will confuse users much more than anything else.

    Just configure things correctly and everything will make sense.

    Finally, if one client refreshes and another does not, then try restarting fop2 server. It is not a normal issue, but could happen if you have lots of clients connecting and you are restarting asterisk a lot of times WITHOUT restarting fop2.
  • Nicolas,
    I disagree about states. You say either extensions are registered or not. Unfortunately if FOP2 can't connect to the AMI then they are seen as registered whether they are or not. Anyway it's your product so the final decision is up to you. I agree that if FOP2 isn't connecting to the AMI because of a configuration issue then its not your problem.

    I'm still confused as to why line state changes are not displayed with Asterisk 1.4 in my installation. With 1.6 there's no problem. However I have noticed that displayconnects is marked as no when you type manager show user admin on the asterisk console despite the fact that I have configured it to yes. Can this explain the fact that the line state isn't displayed?
  • Hello,

    If your manager credentials are wrong, you won't see any updates on buttons, no mailbox status and actions won't work. As the manager connection is something a little more complex than just a user and a password, mostly when dealing with multiple servers, it is up to the user to set things right. fop2 will not indicate visually on those errors because of that complexity. There are even more levels of complexity: when manager permissions are not fully set, or event filters or mask are in place. It is up to the administrator to configure things correctly, fop2 is not a configuration tool. Finally, a manager connection issue IS NOT a sip or device state. You can disagree, but there is a strong "semantic" reason: device states are device states, nothing more, nothing less. A manager connection problem is not a device state.

    There are ways to determine if your manager config is ok:
    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test

    Run that in your 1.4 install and look at the output.

    Best regards,
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