Broadcast on Chat facility for call centers

If we could add a simple chat broadcast, or chat "conference" room for users to publish and subscribe group messages that would enable us to consolidate a number of pieces of software, namely:
- IM Chat application (Spark)
- IM Chat server (Ignite)
- QM User login
- BRIA Messaging
Let me know if this can be done by any workaround using existing software/config.


  • There is a custom action that can be set "notifybroadcast", to send a notification popup to all connected clients. But this is not a chat conference, it is just for broadcasting a message to ALL fop2 connected parties.

    What is your exact idea and the usage scneario for the chat conference room? Who can create a room? how? Who can subscribe? Why? Do you want all users to just chat in group with each other? This is not a simple feature to implement, but if it sound plausible and logical I might be able to work on implementing something like that..

    Best regards,
  • When running our call center, we would like the ability to:

    - [Broadcast] Alert users when there are no free agents on the queue (i.e. some on pause, doing non-telephone tasks)

    - Group wide conference which can enable agents to seek help/instant alert other colleagues without interrupting phone calls, customer live chats, business application usage - e.g. an early warning system/collaboration... or social type thing for "anybody for a cup of tea?"
  • Nicolas

    Ideally we want Users within a group to join a group chat (versus a 1:1 chat) automatically when they login. This will enable the group (all working in the same work group) to share information or alert each other.

    If this group chat could be "separated" from the original window and be pinned to the top of the desktop that would be an additional feature....but spawning new windows can often be fraught with danger

    Does this sound workable?

  • It sounds workable, but there is not much demand for the feature (only you!). It is not something simple to implement as it will require to handle group configurations and restrictions, something that is not trivial to work on. It is quite a bit more than working on a new group chat window on the client, significant changes are needed on the server side, configuration files and management tools.

    Thanks for the feedbak and taking the time to explain your needs. I will consider this but right now is not on the top of the feature request priority list.
  • This is something I'd be seriously interested in (chat/broadcast only to your group)

    If anyone's gotten anywhere with this, I'd love to know.
  • How would I set up this "notifybroadcast" action so that, say, an admin (myself) could use it?
  • How would I set up this "notifybroadcast" action so that, say, an admin (myself) could use it?

    +1 for this.
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