Validation problem. Please contact your provider.

Hi there,

For 3 months or more FOP2 worked ok for me, but yesterday, suddenly, when log in FOP2 the message "Validation problem. Please contact your provider" always appear. Nothing changed yesterday or before . I can log in FOP2 using user and password. I tested server connection and it's ok. But when log in, message appear and all extensions are in grey. There isn't queue information.

I don't know what validation problem message means. In config, server and Asterisk manager all is fine. Connection with AMI works. Anyone can help me?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    In the command line run:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test

    It seems your license got invalidated, either to a hardware/installation/network configuration change or because your code was used on a different hardware. In any case, you have to contact me via email or live help, or via

    The public forum is not the place to post activation codes. Best regards,
  • Good afternoon, I have a problem with a customer FOP2 installed.
    The system always worked, now changed the name of a button and restarted the service, after it began to appear the message
    "Validation problem. Please contact your provider."

    I tried using the command ./fop2_server --test and returned:

    [root@asterisk fop2]# ./fop2_server --test
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label Version.
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label License (5)
    Connection to manager OK!
    [root@asterisk fop2]#

    Can you help me?
  • Most probably your activation code was used on a different hardware, thus invalidating your license. You can use an activation code only on one server.
  • edited May 2015
    Validation problem. Please contact your provider.

    /etc/fop2/fop2_server --test
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Invalid license for this machine.
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label Version.
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Valid License (1)

    Connection to manager OK!

    The system stopped working and the license was not activated elsewhere. How can I fix?
  • If the license becomes invalid is because a hardware change. You always must run /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --revoke before doing any hardware change, so you can later run --register again to get an updated license.

  • I have had the same issue multiple times after running certain upgrades and updates in FreePBX.

    To fix it, simply run
    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --revoke
    and enter your license key. Then run
    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --register
    and enter your license key again, followed by a
    service fop2 restart

    That did the trick for me.
  • You might ask for a manual revocation via if you changed hardware without revoking it first.
  • I had the same issue when I migrated my system to Freepbx 16 on the same server. I had an error message about FOP2Admin, and to get the server up quickly, we renamed it. Now, we are not able to register. I have sent several emails and chat requests, but I am not getting any replies. Any idea what is going on?

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