Users required in the buttons list to dial/spy ?


I noticed that if a user in the users list is not listed within the buttons as an extension, then you cannot dial, spy ...
is that expected ? i thought the username could be used as the extension to dial or spy when initiating it

i would need to give access to the interface to a user without having him in the list of supervised extensions and being abled to trigger dial or spy



  • I'm sure thats by design.
  • Yes, thats by design. The next version includes a privacy option that you can use to disable monitoring/spying certain extensions. Or if you want to have a supervisors view and an agent view, you can create contexts.. in the agent view do not include the supervisors extensions, so they won't be able to see them at all.

    Best regards,

    Nicolás Gudiño
  • Just wondering has this version been released yet? And if not, can you give me a suggested release date?

    I would love to give managers the option to just spy on those that they manage. (I have posted in the installation and configuration forum)

    Thanks very much, Love your software.


    edit --- just noticed the date, I may have the updated version? my version is 2.11
  • Hi,

    Version 2.20 (in beta but close to final) has the spyoptions feature that you can use to limit chanspy to certain groups. That is a chanspy feature, fop2 just lets you pass the appropiate options to it.

    You can create groups or panel contexts since previous FOP2 versions too. You can create a group "sales", add only the extension-agents from the sales department. And then assign that group to the sales manager user. The other buttons will not be displayed at all.
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