Digium Innovation Awards Winners!
[h]Digium Innovation Awards Winners![/h]
I am glad to announce that we have been awarded with a Digium Innovation Award, more precisely the "Community Achievement Award" for the Flash Operator Panel.
Here is an excerpt from Digium's announcement:
And here a picture of this year award winners at Astricon with Mark Spencer:

We want to share this honor with the community and each one of our customers for your help and support.
I am glad to announce that we have been awarded with a Digium Innovation Award, more precisely the "Community Achievement Award" for the Flash Operator Panel.
Here is an excerpt from Digium's announcement:
Community Achievement Award
House Internet developed FOP, the first real-time switchboard for Asterisk, in 2004, and it remains the most widely used operator console. FOP is currently one of the tools that companies and integrators installing Asterisk use to highlight and visually demonstrate the potential of Asterisk as a VoIP platform. Many individuals involved in Asterisk are able to benefit from the solution, from developers and integrators to phone users. http://www.fop2.com
And here a picture of this year award winners at Astricon with Mark Spencer:

We want to share this honor with the community and each one of our customers for your help and support.