Resize extension listings

We have 75 users on the system and the extension listings do not fit on the page and the operator needs to scroll to see the ones at the bottom. The FOP1 allowed us to see all of the extensions on one page. Please do soemthing about this.

Also, the Queues, trunks, and conference sections are not needed by us and it would be nice if we could hide the whole right panel to display more extensions in the main window.


  • You can tweak the index.html file to hide the sections you do not use and have more room for extensions by editing just the css classes (by means of the 960 grid system). You can also tweak the operator.css file to change the button size, and even change the presence.js file and set the line display to 1 to make the buttons smaller too. And you can also use the filter box for a quick way to filter the list and see the buttons you need.
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