
1. In the file /var/www/html/fop2/js/presence.js add a raw: availLang='עברית';

2. create file /var/www/html/fop2/js/lang_he.js

use encoding: UTF-8

//translate by Peter Klain
lang['incoming_call']      = 'שיחה נכנסת';
lang['connecting_server']  = 'התחברות לשרת, מספר ניסיון ';

lang['from_queue']         = "מתור:";
lang['number']             = "מספר:";
lang['name']               = "שם:";

lang['dial']               = 'לחייג';
lang['transfer_vmail']     = 'העברה לתיבת דואר';
lang['transfer_external']  = 'העברה לנייד';
lang['attendant_transfer'] = 'להעביר';
lang['spy']                = 'להקשיב';
lang['whisper']            = 'תקשיב וללחוש';
lang['pickup']             = "איסוף שיחה";
lang['hangup']             = 'נתק';
lang['filter']             = 'לסנן';

lang['enter_sec_code']     = 'פרטי התחברות';
lang['exten']              = 'שלוחה:';
lang['password']           = 'סיסמה:';

lang['confirm_hangup']     = 'לאשר ניתוק';
lang['areyousure']         = 'האם אתה בטוח?';
lang['yes']                = 'כן';
lang['no']                 = 'לא';

lang['paused']             = 'מושהה';
lang['set_information']    = 'הגדרת מידע';
lang['member_of']          = 'חבר של ';
lang['not_available']      = 'מערכת אינה זמינה כרגע';
lang['not_connect']        = 'לא ניתן להתחבר לשרת';
lang['one_moment']         = 'רגע אחד בבקשה';
lang['no_results']         = 'לא נמצאו תוצאות';

lang['toggle_lock']        = 'הנעל / בטל נעילת ועידה';
lang['toggle_muteall']     = 'השתקה / ביטול השתקה כל המשתמשים';
lang['available']          = 'זמין';
lang['phonebook']          = 'ספר טלפונים';
lang['toggle_mute']        = 'כפתור השתקה';
lang['kick']               = 'נתק משתמש';
lang['record']             = 'הקלט שיחה';
lang['presence_noti']      = 'הודעה על נוכחות';

lang['queues']             = 'תורים';
lang['extensions']         = 'שלוחות';
lang['trunks']             = 'טרנקים';
lang['conferences']        = 'וועידות';
lang['other']              = 'אחר';
lang['enter_state']        = 'הזן את הערך';
lang['parkingslots']       = 'סוללת חניה';
lang['ringgroups']         = 'קבוצות חיוג';

lang['enter_reg_code']     = 'הזן את קוד רישום:';
lang['reg_code']     = 'קוד רישום:';
lang['reg_name']     = 'שם רישום:';

lang['remove_member']      = 'מחיקת משתמש';
lang['remove_member_from'] = 'מחק מ ';
lang['pause_member']       = 'השהה משתמש';
lang['unpause_member']     = 'בטל שהייה משתמש';
lang['add_member']         = 'הוסף משתמש ';
lang['pickup_call']        = 'לכידת שיחה';
lang['email_user']         = 'שלך אימייל';
lang['send_sms']           = 'שלך SMS';
lang['message']            = 'הודעה:';
lang['sending']            = 'שליחה ...';
lang['noResponse']         = 'אין תגובה.';

lang['chat']               = 'ציאט';
lang['notlogged']          = 'משתמש לא מחובר. שומר תזכורת.';
lang['me']                 = 'אני';
lang['clearchat']          = 'נקה חלון ציאט';
lang['note']               = 'תזכורת';
lang['toggle_sound']       = 'כפתור קול';
lang['says']               = 'אומר';

lang['agents']             = 'סוכנים: %d';
lang['calls']              = 'שיחות בהמתנה: %d';
lang['call_connected']     = 'בשיחה אים';
lang['changeDisplayType']  = 'החלף סוג תצוגה';

lang['voicemail']          = 'תא קולי';
lang['vmail_new']          = 'חדש';
lang['vmail_old']          = 'ישן';
lang['vmail_work']         = 'עבודה';
lang['vmail_family']       = 'משפחה';
lang['vmail_friends']      = 'חברים';
lang['vmail_number']       = 'לא.';
lang['vmail_date']         = 'תעריך';
lang['vmail_callerid']     = 'זיהוי שיחה';
lang['vmail_duration']     = 'משך';

lang['preferences']        = 'העדפות';
lang['summary']            = 'תקציר';
lang['detailed']           = 'מפורט';

lang['inactive_line']      = 'קו %d לא פעיל';
lang['inuse']              = '%d קווים בשימוש';
lang['vmail_count']        = 'חדש %d, ישן %d';
lang['logout']             = 'התנתק';

lang['NOTONLINE']          = 'המשתמש אינו מחובר';
lang['NOWONLINE']          = 'משתמש עכשיו מחובר';

lang['prefSounds']         = 'צלילים';
lang['prefDisplay']        = 'תצוגה';

lang['labelSoundChat']     = 'צלילי ציאט';
lang['labelSoundQueue']    = 'צלילי תור';
lang['labelSoundRing']     = 'צלצול';

lang['labelDisplayQueue']          = 'תצוגת תור ברירת מחדל';
lang['labelDisplayDynamicLine']    = 'תצוגת קו דינמי';
lang['labelDisplayNotifyDuration'] = 'משך הודעה';
lang['labelDisplayLanguage']       = 'שפה';

lang['close']                      = 'לסגור';
lang['recordings']                 = 'הקלטות';
lang['cdrrecords']                 = 'יומן שיחות';

// Internationalization strings DATE
dateFormat.i18n = {
	dayNames: [
		"ראשון", "שני", "שלישי", "רביעי", "חמישי", "שישי", "שבת",
		"יום ראשון", "יום שני", "יום שלישי", "יום רביעי", "יום חמישי", "יום שישי", "יום שבת"
	monthNames: [
		"ינואר", "פברואר", "מרץ", "אפריל", "מאי", "יוני", "יולי", "אוגוסט", "ספטמבר", "אוקטובר", "נובמבר", "דצמבר",
		"ינואר", "פברואר", "מרץ", "אפריל", "מאי", "יוני", "יולי", "אוגוסט", "ספטמבר", "אוקטובר", "נובמבר", "דצמבר"

3. create file /var/www/html/fop2/lang/he.php

use encoding: UTF-8
$mylang = "he";
$lang[$mylang] = Array();

$lang[$mylang]['Manage Phonebook']               = "לנהל את ספר טלפונים";
$lang[$mylang]['Add']                            = "להוסיף";
$lang[$mylang]['Add Record']                     = "הוספת רישום";
$lang[$mylang]['Export']                         = "יצוא";
$lang[$mylang]['Import']                         = "יבוא";
$lang[$mylang]['No records found']               = "לא נמצא רשומות";
$lang[$mylang]['First']                          = "ראשון";
$lang[$mylang]['Previous']                       = "קודם";
$lang[$mylang]['Next']                           = "הבא";
$lang[$mylang]['Last']                           = "אחרון";
$lang[$mylang]['Page']                           = "עמוד";
$lang[$mylang]['of']                             = "מ";
$lang[$mylang]['Total records found']            = "סך הכל נמצא רשומות";
$lang[$mylang]['Cancel']                         = "ביטול";
$lang[$mylang]['View Record']                    = "צפה ברשומה";
$lang[$mylang]['Edit Record']                    = "שינוי רשומה";
$lang[$mylang]['Record inserted']                = "הכנס רשומה";
$lang[$mylang]['File was uploaded successfully'] = "הקובץ הוקלט בהצלחה";
$lang[$mylang]['Success!']                       = "הצלחה!";
$lang[$mylang]['Record updated']                 = "הרשומה עודכנה";
$lang[$mylang]['Are you sure?']                  = "האם אתה בטוח?";
$lang[$mylang]['An error has occurred']          = "כרתה שיגעה";
$lang[$mylang]['Record deleted']                 = "רשומה נמחקה";
$lang[$mylang]['Delete Marked']                  = "למחוק בחירה";
$lang[$mylang]['Delete']                         = "למחוק";
$lang[$mylang]['Save']                           = "לשמור";
$lang[$mylang]['Could not upload file']          = "לא יכל להעלות את הקובץ";
$lang[$mylang]['Empty file?']                    = "קובץ ריק??";

$lang[$mylang]['First Name'] = "שם";
$lang[$mylang]['Last Name']  = "שם משפחה";
$lang[$mylang]['Company']    = "חברה";
$lang[$mylang]['Phone 1']    = "טלפון-1";
$lang[$mylang]['Phone 2']    = "טלפון-2";
$lang[$mylang]['Picture']    = "תמונה";
$lang[$mylang]['Search']     = "חיפוש";
$lang[$mylang]['Private']    = "פרטי";
$lang[$mylang]['Upload']     = "להעלות";

That's all


  • thanks!! I will include it in the next release.

    There are a couple of missing items for the new release, would you be so kind to translate them too?

    lang = 'Blind Transfer';
    lang = 'Cancel';
    lang = 'Accept';
    lang = 'Available';
    lang = 'Do not Disturb';
    lang = 'Out to lunch';
    lang = 'Break';
    lang = 'Meeting';
    lang = 'Calls taken:';
    lang = 'Penalty:';
    lang = 'Play';
    lang = 'Download';
    lang = 'Automatic Popup';

    Best regards,
  • I am using the Hebrew and most things seem to work very well. But I am having 1 important issue. I give my sip extensions Hebrew names and in most places (queues, active calls...) the name shows up fine but for some reason in the extension name (next to the number) it shows up as jibberish.
    Any idea why?
    I use Chrome as in IE it is much slower to login, and for some reason if I open the panel in IE it freezes up and stops sending updates to everyone until the asterisk service is restarted.
    Thank you!
  • Where do you set hebrew names for your extensions? fop2 manager? buttons.cfg ?
  • Thanx for your reply.
    In Elastix I create extensions with a Hebrew Display Name.
    They are imported automatically to fop2 and in the manager show up as Hebrew. (I can't seem to find the buttons.cfg file).
    So again, in the manager, the Hebrew Label shows up fine. In FOP2, Hebrew in the Queues and Active Line shows up fine.
    But the label in the FOP2 shows as jibberish.
  • Any update?
  • Further clarification: In the admin console the Hebrew name shows up properly in the Label field, only in the panel does it not show up correctly.
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