Status Update button does not work

I have the following scenario:

Asterisk 11.6.0
Debian 7
FOP 2:27 x86

The following problem is occurring:

If disk for this extension and I do not answer or hang up the call, the fop appears that the extension is still playing and stays that way until somebody dial this extension again or for the extension, or if I update the page it gets the status correct.

How can I do to identify the casua the problem?


  • Not sure what "disk for this extension" means. In any case, your problems is most probably related to lack of proper AMI events being received, perhaps because of improper or insufficient permission in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf

    For a good/optimal configuration of a manager user for fop2, please read this post: ... ventfilter
  • What happens is the following:

    When making a call between extensions in off the button status not updated, red and ringing even after the call is finished.

    My configuration file manager.conf is now like this:

    ;read = system,call,log,verbose,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan
    ;write = system,call,agent,user,config,command,reporting,originate,message
    read = all
    write = all
    writetimeout = 1000
    eventfilter=!Event: RTCPSent
    eventfilter=!Event: RTCPReceived
    eventfilter=!Event: VarSet
    eventfilter=!Event: Cdr
    eventfilter=!Event: ExtensionStatus
    eventfilter=!Event: ChannelUpdate
  • If that is truly the user you have, then it seems correct, but again, your problem description points to bad/incomplete manager events. FOP2 won't work if the manager is not sending the information it needs.

    You can start fop2 in debug mode level 15 to capture information and the AMI/fop2 dialog, something like:

    service fop2 stop
    cd /usr/local/fop2
    script capture.log
    ./fop2_server -X 15
    (log into fop2, make a call, verify the incorrect status)
    service fop2 start

    Now you have the capture.log file to analyse. A few weeks ago a user reported a similar issue,and it ended up being an asterisk version 1.6 (old! do not use 1.6!) that was MODIFIED to suppress lots of manager events. Obviosuly, do not expect FOP2 to work over modified asterisk versions with a tweaked manager interface.

    Best regards,
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