Queue logged in hints for Queue Agents
Hi Nicolas,
for some customers I have setup BLF keys on the phones for my Queue Agents to dial an extension which toggles login/logout to/from a Queue.
In the Agent login routine I also set the status for a custom hint (INUSE, NOT_INUSE), so that an Agent could see on the BLF key on the phone, if he's logged into the Queue or not.
for some customers I have setup BLF keys on the phones for my Queue Agents to dial an extension which toggles login/logout to/from a Queue.
In the Agent login routine I also set the status for a custom hint (INUSE, NOT_INUSE), so that an Agent could see on the BLF key on the phone, if he's logged into the Queue or not.
exten => _qm-queue1-XXX,hint,Custom:qm-queue1-${EXTEN:-3}
Is there a way in FOP2 to adapt this behavior and turn the custom hint on and off, when an Agent is logged in/off through the FOP2 webinterface?
The event itself looks like this:
In order to catch add events you will need to have this in the plugin .pl file:
And then have a custom-context-to-set-hint in your dialplan to set your hints.
You will have to adapt the above to suit your exact requirements.
I got something working already. But how can I use 2 different handlers for login and logout in one plugin?
With 2 different it works for me.
I am interested in this to be used with FreePBX generated hints for the *45<ext>*<queue> toggle. Will confuse my users if we don't have the light change when they change queue state from FOP2.
This works with FreePBX generated hints for Ext/Queue toggle keys. (*45<exten>*<queue>). I make no guarantees outside of my setup :geek: I will share for others through, maybe can use as is, modify for your setup or use it for inspiration to take over the world.
All of these I placed a folder called queuehintfpbx inside of /var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins then in the FOP2 Manager went to Plugins and enabled it. Not sure if necessary, but seemed so, I reloaded FOP2 service.
I have an empty queuehintfpbx.css file and an empty lang folder.
the QUEUEMEMBERADDED and QUEUEMEMBERREMOVED events work fine for me like described above, but when I try to catch the QUEUEMEMBERPAUSED event, it does nothing.