Blinking phone box


We recently changed to fop2 version 2.11 and we now experience that the color of the phone boxes constantly change from green to gray and back to green and so on. This also happens voor phones which are in a conversation, color changes from orange to gray back to orange.

The duration between the color changes differs roughly between 2 and more seconds. Someone who is using the system even mentioned it as a christmas tree with blinking lights, she sees over 100 phones in her screen because she works at our reception.

I would like to know if this can be changed through a configuration option or is it a bug.




  • Hello,

    Sounds like a problem with sip registrations or something like that. Hard to diagnose from your description, but it is not something "normal". I might need a log trace/capture, and that will came up pretty large if you have that many phones.. Try running fop2_server with debug like this:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 1

    If you see lots of sip registration events (every 2 seconds) with LAGGED or UNREACHABLE, then thats is the problem, and it is not fop2 but your pbx or phone problem.

    Best regards,
  • Hi, Solved the problem.

    We are using the Asterisk realtime option for the sip.conf file. We changed just before the upgrade of fop2 to the realtime version.

    In sip.conf we had the option rtcachefriends set to no.

    With this option set to no we get the christmas tree effect.
    When we changed the value to yes the screen appears normal again.


  • We recently experienced the same issue. After some diagnostics and log tracking, we realized that the Asterisk qualify feature was turning extensions off because of the qualification criteria. In this particular case, it only happened to users who had a computer attached to their telephone in passthrough mode. So, something about sharing an Ethernet port was delaying the qualify responses.

    We simply set the qualify function to "no" for each extension, and they've all been green ever since.
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