Hide extension number


Is it possible to hide the extension number. We would like to display only the label.

Thx !


  • You can log into the FOP2 Manager (http://your.server/fop2/admin), go to Settings and set no_exten_in_label to true.

    Best regards,
  • We tried this setting but it doesn't seem to work on the latest version. Is there a bug with this features or is there an equivalent we can set in fop2.cfg or any config files ?
  • There is no configuration to hide mailbox indicators, what I suggested was a css tweak, that it will work if it set correctly, but as mwi css is dynamically modified by javascript, then the setting might not prevail.

    You can also unconfigure all mailbox entries on your button configuration (toggle advanced fields in buttons page, and also tweak update_conf.php in the fop2 manager so it does not populate the mailbox automatically from the backend, by commenting this block:
               if(isset($fop2_buttons[$chan]['mailbox']) && isset($dat['mailbox'])) {
                        $fop2mbox  = $fop2_buttons[$chan]['mailbox'];
                        if($fop2mbox <> $dat['mailbox']) {
                            $query = "UPDATE fop2buttons SET mailbox='%s' WHERE device='%s'";

    It is not a bug, and there is no feature, you have lots of options for customizing and you must chose what suits you best.

    The way to avoid those indicators is NOT configuring the mailbox setting on the first place.

    Best regards,
  • I think you answered the wrong post :-)
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