Queue Member Penalty

It would be helpful when adding members to a queue that you could also set the members penalty. You can currently set the members “Queue Channel”, maybe some syntax “Queue Channel, Penalty” to allow FOP2 to set the members penalty level. “Queue Channel” without the extra option wouldn’t set a penalty and would function as is. Penalty is an integer zero or greater.

All you would need to do is add one additional parameter to your AddQueueMember call.

Asterisk <=1.4
Asterisk >=1.6

Full functions.
AddQueueMember(queuename[|interface[|penalty]]): (1.0)
AddQueueMember(queuename[|interface[|penalty[|options]]]): (1.2)
AddQueueMember(queuename[|interface[|penalty[|options[|membername]]]]): (1.4)
AddQueueMember(queuename[,interface[,penalty[,options[,membername[,stateinterface]]]]])): (1.6+)


  • I also need this one!
    We would pay for adding this feature...
  • Implemented on FOP 2.20, you can pass the options like:

    Penalty, MemberName, StateInterface and Paused states

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