Call Queue issue

I have a customer with a unique issue. The customer has a support desk which a queue assigned to it. The problem is that quite often agents within the queue put themselves on "Do Not Disturb" via the FOP2 interface and then will "click" on a incoming call to answer a call in the queue to help colleges out.

The issue is that about half of the time using this methodology FOP2 allows the call to be picked up, the other half it just cuts the call off???

Any ideas where to look for this problem??


  • The only way to debug is to start fop2_server in debug mode (level 15) and stop capturing just after a call is cut off... it will be quite hard to do on a production system. It is important to identify the call that was cut off somehow, as the manager is very verbose. A big file with no indications of the call that had the problem is not really useful.

    To start fop2 in debug mode:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 15

    Best regards,
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