CLID Privacy works after restart, but then stops.

We have a system where we don't want the caller id of active calls to show for anyone. We have set privacy=clid under each stanza and when FOP2 is restarted, all is great. After a day or so, the caller id numbers start showing up again. Any thoughts?


  • Hi, that's strange. Please try the following, in fop2.cfg uncomment the poll_interval setting and set it to 3600. Then restart fop2 and see if the privacy stops working after a little more than one hour. If that happens then it is a bug in fop2 regarding that setting that I will have to fix!.

    Best regards,
  • Here's what my customer reports, "I can say definitively that right when you sign into the FOP2 screen, the caller ID does not appear right away. However, within a few minutes, all caller ID numbers begin showing up."
  • Nicolás,

    Any thoughts on this one? My client needs to make a decision on if they can use this going forward.

  • Hi,

    Well, I am not able to reproduce the issue myself, so I cannot give you any updates. From my tests and point of view, clid privacy works as expected even after reloads. If someone can give me access to a system with such behavior I would be able to take a look.

    Just to be clear, privacy=clid in a button will make the callerid or dialed number to be omitted in that button, nothing else, nothing more. Maybe you are experience some other issue?

    In my tests I set my own panel with privacy on some buttons, and it worked fine for several days...
  • We did some more testing and see that the caller id will hide when privacy=clid is in, but the dialed number is always present. Is this how it's supposed to work?

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