Missing Parking, Queue, & Trunk

Hi All --

I've installed a fresh copy of FOP2 but I'm missing my parking, queue and trunks. I am able to see my extensions fine, but nothing else. I've looked everywhere and I can't find anything to enable them. Here are my specifications:

Asterisk (Ver.
Trixbox v2.8.0.4
FOP2 Admin 1.1

Here is what I'm seeing. I think I should be able to see the active queue, parks, etc...

Can anybody please make a recommendation?? It would be very much appreciated!!




  • Hello,

    You are using the free version that is limited to 15 buttons, you have all your buttons already taken by extensions, so the other button types are missing. Any button above 15 will not show. You can do manual button configuration if you want to change orders, or you can tweak the autoconfig-buttons-freepbx.sh script and also move sections around or modify the mysql queries in order to bring other button types first... or you can register and remove the limitation.

    Best regards,
  • Nicholas,

    smyoss wrote:
    >"I've installed a fresh copy of FOP2 but I'm missing my parking, queue and trunks. I am able to see my extensions fine, but nothing else."

    I have a registered copy now, but what is explained above is the same display problem AFTER I installed FOP2 Admin 1.1

    I saw parking, queues and trunks in the limited free version, but after I installed the FOP2 Admin they went away.

    I'm afraid to install the admin now on my registered copy for fear of losing those displays. How can we get these to display again?

  • If you installed fop2admin, you have a fop2 buttons menu in freepbx that will list all buttons that are found, those includes trunks, parking, etc. And you can also setup groups, if you did setup groups and assigned them to users, that is the reason of the limited view. I cannot tell you how to bring back your buttons, because I do not know what you have installed, what you configured, etc.. In any case, you can uninstall the fop2admin freepbx module and try again with the standard autoconfigurations. Or uninstall and install again.

    Best regards,
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