fail login?

Hi, a question, I have created in the fop2.cfg
users under sip.conf data,
then, when I loginscreen with one of these users,
should see the options bar, such as transfers,
pickup, etc., right? the users I have with all.
In my case, I see that bar, nor, as expected
that is, when I loginscreen with an extension, that extension
becomes the first button in the group of extensions.

Any idea why it could be?

Thank you very much


  • Not sure if I understand.. if you do not see the action buttons it is because you are logged with an extension number that has no matching button in the button list. In order to see the action buttons you must login with an extension number that is also listed in the buttons (extension=xxx).

    Best regards,
  • Sorry, it's works fine, the problem was I have diferente exten= and user=, I change it and perfect.

    Another thing...

    Its possible to, when an extension customizes your state, I see a mark
    green on that extension, and if I put the mouse over
    I see what he has written, one could make out in
    button that the extension in writing, without
    put the mouse over?

    Do not know if I'll be explained.

  • Yes I understand your question, but unfortunately the only way to know is by the color code, for the detail you must mouse over, there is no other way.
  • Ok, what can not can not.
    Another little thing, I set up my users for
    see certain groups of extensions, but when a
    suuario can see more of a group of extensions,
    reception, support etc. .. can be distinguished from any
    how FOP2 screen belongs to which group each

    That is, extensions are grouped by
    differentiated groups created and FOP2 screen.

    Is it possible?
  • yes, you can use groups in the buttons.cfg file


    Best regards,
  • ohhhh perfect...

    Thank you very very much
  • Sorry to be so heavy, I have removed the second
    line buttons, to make a little more fine
    but I have extensions that would need to have 4 or 5
    lines and other with 1 to spare, you could do something like
    conferences that appear as lines
    are being used? or at least a button on a
    extension has 5 lines and another 2 and another 1, ie
    set to the letter?

  • Hello,

    The number of lines is a global setting right now. So you can set it to 1 or to 10, but for all extensions.

    Best regards,
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