How to configure FOP2 for showing the CallerID(name)?


is there a way to configure fop2 to show the callerid(name) instead of the callerID(number)?



  • In extensions and queues it shows both. but maybe they do not fit, you can increase button width by editing operator.css, the extenbutton class.

    best regards,
  • Increasing the width of .extenbutton and .clid in operator.css will show the full $CALLERID(num) and $CALLERID(name) while ringing. But when the phone enters the state connected, the callerid field is updated to only display $CALLERID(num). At this stage I still need to display the name since that also contains the called number (usefull for agents to see if other agents are also handling a call for the same client/target number). Is this behavior configurable?
  • Callerid name is preserved in bridge commands, at least with fop 2.20. What version are you using?
  • I was using 2.11, but upgrading to 2.20 fixes a lot of my issues, including this one. I'm happy with the upgrade sofar, thanks.
  • Good to hear 2.20 fixes your problems. Another feature in 2.20 is that if you mouseover the button clid, it will show a tooltip with the complente number-name even if it was cut off because of size. So, if the name or part of the name is stripped, just mouse over and you will see the full callerid.
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