Cannot Connect

I am getting "Could not connect to server" and when I try to find out why I get this:
root@joshsphone:/usr/local/fop2 $ /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode
Connection to manager OK!
root@joshsphone:/usr/local/fop2 $ netstat -lnp | grep 444
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      4440/transmission-d
tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN      4440/transmission-d
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      3041/fop2_server
tcp        0      0 :::51413                    :::*                        LISTEN      4440/transmission-d
udp        0      0     *                               4440/transmission-d
root@joshsphone:/usr/local/fop2 $ /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 3
Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode

Can't listen to port 4445

Any ideas?


  • Ideas: You have a firewall blocking access to port 4445 somewhere, a flash blocker on your browser, or you do not have the flash player installed.
  • Hi!

    Thanks for the reply, now I went to my firewall in webmin and port 4445 is allowed, and I had fop1 working, so I am confident it isn't a firewall issue.

    And I have different Flash things working on this computer, I can check again when I get home and am on a computer that isn't owned by someone else.

    Is there any output I can offer you? I read your thread on pbxinaflash's forum and posted there too.
  • try with a different browser. If the browser is not able to connect, and port 4445 is being used by fop2 (and not fop1), then it MUST work. You said you have fop1 working, be sure that fop1 is disabled and not binding to port 4445. The fop2 client cannot connect to the fop1 server, it will try to connect forever.

    If you are sure that port 4445 is being use by fop2 server, and you did not change fop2 port before to anything else but 4445, then it must work. If you changed fop2 port to something else, you will have to delete the .txt file in your fop2 web directory.

    Best regards,
  • Okay hope I haven't lost you.

    It turns out it was the browser, though I still have no idea why. I went home and tried it and it worked, so I went back to work and port forwarded specifically port 4445 and it still didn't work, so I went to another browser and it magically worked.

    To be clear I was proxying to the system from work to the machine.

    So to sum up: it was the browser. Thanks again!
  • What browser? There are lots of firefox addons that block flash. You must whitelist your fop2 page or disable those addons.
  • You guessed it, firefox.

    Wonder what it could be? I'm not really using any plugins....
  • Perhaps you need to reinstall the flash player...
  • LOL maybe, I'm satisfied it does work, and I love it. I am thinking about buying the 100 dollar white label license, but I had two questions:

    1. If I do buy it, to be clear, can I install it on multiple servers?
    2. Is there anyway to check out the IM and visual VM first? (maybe a limited capabilities)
  • Hi,

    ONE license works on ONE server. You need a license per server. However, fop2 can be used to monitor multiple asterisk boxes with some gotchas (you will have to work out the autoconfiguration yourself for multiple servers, and you cannot monitor same name channels on multiple servers, only distinct name devices/queues).

    Unfortunately, there is no trial license for the full version.

    Best regards,
  • Is there no way to purchase a multiserver license?
  • One fop2 license can monitor multiple asterisk servers. One fop2 server is tied to ONE actual server. You can buy as many licenses as you want/need in the checkout page.
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