Phonebook and Dial... Help for someone...

I have downloaded, installed and purchased FOP2. It's working great so far. I have come across 2 issues that may or may not be related - Running Trix - Fix below.

When I would navigate to the Phonebook, I get an error message:

Notice: session_start() [function.session-start]: Server localhost (tcp 11211) failed with: Connection refused (111) in /var/www/html/fop2/config.php on line 39
no way

The other error was in the "Dial" area. If I entered anything, I would get a message box back saying "Could not parse response XML".

Line 39 is just a session_start();, so I figure it may be something simple with the session.save_path. I checked my php.ini and it is owned by asterisk (everything else would probably break if it wasn't). Checked the .htaccess just in case it was tweaked.. nada.. I remembered seeing this before and it was related to memcached. It wasnt started.

Start it up...
#/etc/init.d/memcached start
Starting Distributed memory caching (memcached): [ OK ]

Set it to start on boot
# chkconfig --levels 345 memcached on

Check it out
# chkconfig --list |grep memcached
memcached 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

This seems to correct both issues.


  • Thanks for your post.

    That problem is a trixbox one, they install php with memcached sessions, but they do not start the memcached service. So any php application that requires php sessions to work will fail. Your solutions is fine for recent trixbox, there are no other distributions that I know with that problem. Another option is to disable php-memcached altogether.
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