Paused queue members

we are pausing our queue agents directly after every call via a hangup-script.
Unfortunately FOP2 does not show that the agent is paused, while the Asterisk CLI shows me, that the agent is paused.
First question: Why does FOP2 don't show the pause-status?

If it works:
We would like to show the agent that he is paused with more then the little clock.
Is it possible to switch the background color to for example "red" when he is paused?

Thanks for your help!



  • Hi,

    There is little information as to why you do not see the member as paused. Are you using Local queue members? Did you configure fop2 buttons by hand? How does a button config looks like?

    The pause status is shown only with the clock, there is no way to change the button color.. the button color is problematic when you have several possible states, you can be paused and busy... what color should it display in those cases?

    Best regards,
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