transfer to ring group (or any dest) button

I have been searching for a way to add a set of buttons to allow our receptionist to transfer calls to ring groups. Status would not be of concern just a way for her to use the same technique as transferring to stations. This would make training so much easier.



  • It would be possible to create fake buttons with the proper extension and context, but you will have to do it by hand. You could have a button configuration file like:
    label=Ringroup 1

    (This assumes that you can dial 333 to ring that ring group). Then you have to add that button config snippet at the beginning of autobuttons.cfg (do not modify the #exec line).

    The way I would do it myself is to let the receptionist know that they can type the ring group number in the dial box and hit ENTER. Or you could also add an entry in the phonebook if you want and use it from there.

    Best regards,
  • Nicolás,
    First thanks for the info it is now working , I also have included the group=Ring Groups statement to separate out the destinations. I understand the alternatives but let me explain the situation so it might give other users ideas.
    This company has a elderly receptionist that has answered the phones for years , you know, the change is bad type, she also has a bit of issue with her sight. We decided to use one of the larger HP touch screens (22 inch) with FOP2 running in full screen. This allows her to see the buttons and transfer to users , and now the ring groups with only a touch of her finger. Transferring using the dial field is not and easy task in this configuration. Our next step is to use a softphone on the 'console' to make things even simpler for her. A very slick setup all thinks to FOP2.

    I do have one other question relating to the Groups= statement. How would one move the group (it currently appears below the rest of the extensions) to the side bar below Queues and Trunks?

    Thanks again,
  • Nicolás,
    OK so I have run into another snag. When the user that belongs to no groups logs in , the 'ring group' buttons appear with no problem and function correctly. As soon as that user is added to a group (via the freepbx module) the ring group button disappear. I took a look at the code / mysql data base but do not see a way to add the buttons that will not be wiped out by the button generation script.

    So it looks like i have two options:
    do not use groups , this will ham string the functionality and really not an option for this customer.
    rebuilt the ring groups as queues , there is a little bit of issue with load on the system and other minor 'behavior' issues when setup this way.

    Any ideas you might have would be gladly received.

    I cannot imagine that having the ability to add 'custom' buttons and manager from the gui would be a bad feature. Is there a bounty system in place that might help this along?

    Once again thanks for a stellar product and the support that you provide.

  • Hi,

    As you said, this must be handled as a feature for fop2admin instead of hacking into it. But not sure if everything can be done as a feature (position on the right column instead of main body, not sure how to handle that...)

    The problem with groups could be fixed by also tweaking the script and harcoding a group that contains all your custom ring group buttons, and assigning that group to everyone.

    In any case, let me think how can this be implemented... if you want to sponsor development, please contact me via email, there are options for that, kind of a bounty system, but before doing so I have to devise the best approach for it.

    Best regards,
  • Ok, I have added support for FreePBX Ring Groups to the fop2 client and fop2admin. You will have an extra column at the right with the ring groups you have configured so you can use them as speed dials or targets for origination or transfers. It will be available on FOP 2.21 final.
  • Nicolas,
    I have been testing the new .21 release but have yet to find how to display the Ring Groups Is there something that I am missing?

  • Did you update foo2admin? Be also sure to flush your browser cache (to avoid running the previous client). Best regards
  • You were correct that I had not gotten fopAdmin updated on this particular box.

    Thanks again for getting this feature implemented , I now have two company using the touch screen for recept. There sure is a lot of wow factor when suits walk by.
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