Display Agent Queue Penalties


If possible, is there a way to _at least_ show the agent penalties in the queues.
Best if it is possible to add penalties when adding members to queues :-)



  • 2.20 lets you specify penalty on the queuechannel directive for every extension, 2.21 beta lets you specify *different* penalties per queue, also in the queuechannel directive. I will see if its possible to add the penalty in a tooltip when mouse over.
  • Hi,
    How do I specify per queue ?

  • A tooltip on mouse over in the queues will be a great feature!
    Or if not possible, just add a , to the name with the "penalty"? aesthetically im not sure if it will be okay but i guess other users would want that feature too

    in my case, agents are dynamically assigned with queue penalties depending on the day and time. is it possible to add a textbox of some sort to add the penalty when adding an agent to the queue?



  • A tooltip on mouse over in the queues will be a great feature!
    Or if not possible, just add a , to the name with the "penalty"? aesthetically im not sure if it will be okay but i guess other users would want that feature too

    I have added the tooltip on 2.21 beta. It just displays the number, it is not that easy to have a multi language tooltip in this case. But at least you have something.
    in my case, agents are dynamically assigned with queue penalties depending on the day and time. is it possible to add a textbox of some sort to add the penalty when adding an agent to the queue?

    Well, it would be possible, but not that easy to implement, it will make the ui a little clumsy for those who do not need it. So I have to really think about the implementation and implications.
  • Thank you! Looking forward to the new features in the upcoming versions
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