Installation Issues / TCP Dump

I have installed FOP2 on an Elastix Box and have the test connection working.
/usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode
Connection to manager OK!

I also have moved the origianl FOP panel to a new port:
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      4103/perl
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      10576/fop2_server

If I telnet to port 4445 from localhost - the connection is accepted and I see tcpdump traffic on the loopback interface:
tcpdump -i lo -n port 4445
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
19:45:32.847500 IP > S 1094391920:1094391920(0) win 32792 <mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 6198267 0,nop,wscale 7>
19:45:32.847501 IP > S 1086642151:1086642151(0) ack 1094391921 win 32768 <mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 6198267 6198267,nop,wscale 7>
19:45:32.847523 IP > . ack 1 win 257 <nop,nop,timestamp 6198267 6198267>

When I go to the website however, I get the logon screen and then "One Moment Please...connection to server..attempt 1/2/3" and TCP Dump doesn't report any additional traffic on the lo interface.

Additionally if I run fop_server with -X 3, it shows lots of traffic with on port 5038, but nothing on 4445.

Anyone have any ideas? I have been through all the tutorials and have made sure my /usr/local/fop2.cfg matches the asterisk info, but can't seem to get any joy.



  • Hello,

    Your problem is that the web client cannot connect to fop2 server. You have to try the telnet, but not from the server to localhost, but from your desktop computer to the fop2 server.

    If it does not connect, then you have firewall issues. Check local firewall/iptables rules on the fop2 server, check network firewalls or port redirections in your router if the server is behind it (you must port forward port 4445 if so), check personal firewalls/security on your desktop machine.

    If it does connect, then you might have browser issues like: flash not installed, flash blocker preventing flash from running.

    Best regards,
  • That would explain some things.

    My server is behind a firewall. What is the recommended procedure for remote access where only port 80 and 443 are available?

    I was assuming that it was a localhost <-> localhost for fop2 data and display was over port 80 / 443.
  • Hi,

    FOP2 communicates with web clients on tcp port 4445 by default.

    You must port forward port 4445 in your router.

    FOP2 uses a synchronous connection to the server to get real time data. It does not poll the server at regular intervals like ajax does. For doing so it uses flash xmlsockets or html5 websockets if the browser supports it.

    It users port 80/443 for serving the .js, .html files, but then the communication is done outside http.

    Best regards,
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