Parked calls getting stuck

How can I fix this from happening? I haven't noticed anything common in the items that get stuck, but they do. I have my phones configured with BLF's and they indicate the parking space is free and dialing extension 71 confirms it's free.

This was also occurring with FOP from a mostly default install of asteriskNOW. I was hoping that upgrading would fix the problem, but it has not. Any suggestions?


  • What fop2 version are you using? 2.21 beta includes a workaround for ghost park calls that get there when you abort an attendant transfer to the parking lot. Perhaps that is the issue you are having, you might want to try with 2.21 beta, the link to download is in the announcement forum

    Best regards,
  • What fop2 version are you using? 2.21 beta includes a workaround for ghost park calls that get there when you abort an attendant transfer to the parking lot. Perhaps that is the issue you are having, you might want to try with 2.21 beta, the link to download is in the announcement forum

    Best regards,

    Found a post over on one of the other boards and got it fixed up. Thanks though. My issue was with the manager permissions or call events. I found a post here in one of the other boards.
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